American Researcher: The MisEducation of 30 Fierce
I just spent 30 years in school and wear big, black shades, rain or shine. I believe all roads lead to freedom. I walk to the beat of my own drum. I fear God. I am passionate & sensitive. I believe every child deserves a chance, the elderly command our respect, and the poor need our attention. I stand with POTUS. I love my parents so much that I reference them by first names. I am a hopeless romantic. I am a free spirit. I have a double consciousness. Welcome to my reciprocity.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Debacle Over Shirley Sherrod

OMG! This is such a big deal. Let me first start by saying it's a shame that this whole situation happened...I am not necessarily talking about her being forced to resign, but the reality that people have suffered and continue to suffer over being over looked and under cared for by the Federal Government DUE TO RACE. The issue. She denied aid to white farmers who desperately needed her help. In fact, that is a racist act. She had the power and she purposefully denied federal assistance to people because of who they are. That is blatantly racist. But let's be real. I have never met my grandparents because they were killed, in Georgia, by a white driver. She was let go...not a big deal. Our country needs to realize the power of historical memory. How can we move forward when we don't even acknowledge what happened not only 50 years ago? In my dissertation, I was pressed to learn about the impact of how chief diversity officers [CDO] lead based on their own philosophical philosophies. Her father was killed by the Klan. Black & Vietnamese farmers right now, in the Gulf, are been denied and overlooked because of who they are--we need to move beyond this. The effects of systemic racism are powerful and lasting hence why we need to broach the issue. We are NOT in a postracial space. What makes me so sad is simultaneously, states are trying to reinstate new Jim Crow...or should I say Juan Crow. Now back to the issue. I hope we learn from this situation. What annoys me, is that they want to call her out but what about the rest of the racists?! What about the Tea Partiers?! I do not want to say everyone is racist, but let's look at our systems. Let's look at the violence that is taking place in Oakland--those police officers who murdered, as of late, 2 Black men?! What about our school system?! Right down the street, the Black & Latino students are failing and no one cares. I have a problem with us not learning any lessons. When will we all realize just how miseducated we are?! I love this country but let's be real...we need to grow.
Now what's interesting is how the mud is flying, or is it? Wait a minute--the White House is saying in a released statement that they had no role in wanting her to resign. Cheryl Cook, the Deputy Under Secretary, reportedly called her and stated that the Obama Admin wanted her to pull over and resign, while on the road to Athens, Ga. Interesting news...I think they were scared as the news was breaking. But back to the matter at hand. Currently,the Spooner's, the Farmers, are REFUSING to even say that she was racist...they are in shock! They said she was nothing but nice to them and that they received to "preferential treatment."
All I have to say is that she is dropping names on CNN. Glen Beck is apparently going to try to "rip her" on the show tonite and it scared Ms. Cook. All I have to say about this is how much I appreciate Shirley Sherrod being real, not running, and talking about what's really poppin. This story is NOT over. More details to come...
Morning Joe
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Guiding Principles
Definition of Scientifically Based Research
The following definition of scientifically based research (SBR) was developed by an expert working group convened by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in June 2008. The SBR definition set forth below was supported by the AERA Council as a framework that offers sound guidance to members of Congress seeking to include such language in legislation. AERA provided this definition in response to congressional staff requests for an SBR definition that was grounded in scientific standards and principles. The request derived from an interest in averting the inconsistencies and at times narrowness of other SBR definitions used in legislation in recent years.
Alternate Definition of Scientifically Based Research (SBR)
Supported by AERA Council, July 11, 2008
- The term “principles of scientific research” means the use of rigorous, systematic, and objective methodologies to obtain reliable and valid knowledge. Specifically, such research requires:
- development of a logical, evidence-based chain of reasoning;
- methods appropriate to the questions posed;
- observational or experimental designs and instruments that provide reliable
and generalizable findings; - data and analysis adequate to support findings;
- explication of procedures and results clearly and in detail, including specification of the population to which the findings can be generalized;
- adherence to professional norms of peer review;
- dissemination of findings to contribute to scientific knowledge; and
- access to data for reanalysis, replication, and the opportunity to build on findings.
- The examination of causal questions requires experimental designs using random assignment or quasi-experimental or other designs that substantially reduce plausible competing explanations for the obtained results. These include, but are not limited to, longitudinal designs, case control methods, statistical matching, or time series analyses. This standard applies especially to studies evaluating the impacts of policies and programs on educational outcomes.
- The term “scientifically based research” includes basic research, applied research, and evaluation research in which the rationale, design, and interpretation are developed in accordance with the scientific principles laid out above. The term applies to all mechanisms of federal research support, whether
field-initiated or directed.
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